Succulent Arrangements and “Pumpculents”

Pumpculent Care

  • These pumpkins have not been cut. The moss is glued to the top of the pumpkin. They will last for months with proper care. 

  • Watering: Water 1-2 times a month by dampening the moss. Once you have dampened the moss, tip the pumpkin to allow excess water to drain out. Use a syringe if you have one for precision watering. 

  • Light: Succulents thrive in bright indirect light or direct sunlight for a limited amount of time each day. The more light your succulents get, the more compact they grow and less stretched out or “leggy” they will be. 

  • Removing succulents from pumpkin: Once you are done with this living arrangement, you can plant your succulents in pots indoors or outside in your garden. Use a large metal spoon or pull gently on the succulents to remove them from the moss and glue. They should have roots growing and can be planted immediately. If you need to cut your succulent before replanting make sure to wait a few days before replanting to allow a callus to form over the cut end of the succulent to avoid rotting. If any leaves pop off save them, they’ll create new succulents for you!